This episode has been published on March 26th, 2019
Welcome to the 18th episode of Automating Quality. Mandy Gervasio is your host, and she’s on a mission to bring you hot industry topics with her fellow life sciences partners and friends!
Mandy is excited to bring you the fourth part in the six-part series with Lisa Helmonds about virtual companies in the life sciences space! As a reminder, Lisa is the Vice President of MWA Consulting and has over 30 years of industrial training in the areas of Manufacturing and Quality Assurance in the pharmaceutical and medical device industries. She has extensive GXP knowledge, has worked with several startups and large companies, and understands the challenges facing the industry.
Today, Mandy and Lisa will be focusing on quality culture for this part in the series. Lisa defines quality culture, explains who is responsible for instilling a quality culture, how it is expressed, and most importantly, why it is so crucial to a company’s overall success.
Be sure to keep tuning in for future episodes to hear the last two parts in the series!
Key Takeaways:
[:14] About today’s episode.
[:49] Lisa gives a quick overview of her background in life sciences.
[2:01] About episode 3 and where this episode will be headed.
[3:15] Lisa defines quality culture.
[5:19] Who is responsible for instilling a quality culture?
[8:29] How is a quality culture expressed?
[13:04] Why quality culture is important to a company’s overall success.
[20:10] How to get a hold of Lisa if you have any questions or comments!
[20:25] About next week’s topic.
Mentioned in this Episode:
Part 3: “Quality Agreements with Lisa Helmonds from MWA Consulting”
Part 2: “Qualifications and Oversight of Contract Service Providers with Lisa Helmonds from MWA Consulting”
Part 1: “Key Elements of Virtual Life Sciences Companies with Lisa Helmonds from MWA Consulting”
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