Why Are Task Groups Created Automatically?
Every time a QM APP is created within SOLABS QM10, the system automatically generates a Task Group related to this QM APP. This Task Group is created in order to "hold" any secondary tasks you may create within this QM APP (as part of the QM APP form). This feature is meant to save you the trouble of having to manually create Task Groups for your QM APPs.
In more detail, a main Task Group is created when you start a QM APP. Then, for each step, an additional Task Group is created under the main one. As such, whenever you create secondary tasks in a step, they will be placed under the task group related to that step. Then, an automatic mechanism is implemented to modify the Task Group accessibility to release the secondary tasks to their assignees. These task groups are not visible through the user interface.
Should I do anything with these Task Groups?
Absolutely not! This is a core function of our system and will not impact your processes in any way.
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