It is possible for a document to be at a status of Approved, Not Effective even if it is related to a Training Activity and that Training Activity has reached 100%.
In SOLABS QM10, there are many effective dating options when creating or revising a document. Documents can be created and revised using the Document section, with or without the use of the Document Control Process. No matter which way the documents are managed, the Effective Date option when creating or revising a document will default to "Date of final approval" or "X days after final approval" if this attribute is defined on that the Document Type, but can be changed as described below.
- Change or leave the setting to "Date of final approval" – In this case, the document becomes Approved & Effective when the last approval is completed.
- Change or leave the setting to "X days after final approval" (where X = a number of days set per document type) - The number of days is set in the "Default Effective Date Delay" attribute for the Document Type settings. If this option is NOT set for the Document Type, then that option will be grayed out and not selectable.
- For example, if a "Default Effective Date Delay (days)" is set at 14 days on the Document Type, the Effective Date will be set by default to 14 days after final approval when creating/revising a document of that Document Type. The Effective Date will then be calculated and be set to 14 days after the last approval and the document will be at an Approved, Not Effective status until that date.
- Change setting to the Calendar option and enter a specific date in the future – In this case, the Effective Date will be calculated and set to the chosen date after the last approval and the document will be at an Approved, Not Effective status until that date.
- If the Document Control Process is used: The Effective Date setting will default to Set through Document Control Process even after the document is approved, until it is set to a specific date at the last step of the Document Control Process. If the date selected in the last step is a date in the future, the document will be at an Approved, Not Effective status until the chosen Effective Date is reached. If the date selected in the last step is today's a date, the document will become Approved & Effective on the confirmation of the process step.
When a document is linked to a Training Activity, you can choose to keep it at an Approved, Not Effective status until the training is completed. This can be done in two ways:
- Using the X days after final approval option will allow for a set number of days as a training period, after which the document would become Effective automatically. This is only an option if the Document Control Process is NOT being used to manage your documents (unless the Effective Date attribute is modified to this parameter when setting the document parameters).
- Monitoring the training completion percentage, through the Document Control Process. When the training is completed to the desired level, confirm the last step of the process by entering today's date as the Effective Date.
It is also possible to leave the document as Approved, Not Effective even AFTER the Training is 100% completed. This can be done by either:
- Setting the Effective Date to a date later in the future or to an ‘X number of days after final approval’, where X is a large number (100 days for example). This way, the training can be performed and completed, yet the document can remain at an Approved, Not Effective status until it is decided to set the document to an Approved & Effective status. Setting the document to an Approved & Effective status can be done at any time by using the Modify Metadata Only option and by setting the Effective Date to Today’s date.
- If the Document Control Process is being used, the process can remain open until it is decided to set the document Effective Date, even if the training is completed. The Effective Date option for the document remains as ‘Set through Document Control Process’ and the document remains at an Approved, Not Effective status until the Effective Date is entered and Confirmed at the last step of the process. The process can be confirmed with either today's date or a future date.
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