In SOLABS QM10, Custom Lists that are created in the SETUP section can be used for different things in the system. Custom Lists can be created/edited by accessing the SETUP section, the Administration tab and then the views under the Custom Lists option. However, to do so, a user needs to have the role SOLABS Document Administrator.
There are different types of Custom Lists:
- The System Lists: These lists are deployed at the system installation and used in some specific places in the system, mainly in the TRAINING Section and in PDF Rendering Templates. However, the values of these system lists can be modified at any time.
- The Process Lists: These lists are created when a process is deployed in the system (depending on the process configuration). They include values for any Single-Item Selection, Multi-Item Selection or Quick Text fields related to a particular Process APP. The values of these lists can also be modified at any time.
- The “General” Custom Lists: These lists are the ones created by the SOLABS Document Administrator in the SETUP section. They are used to create the lists of values associated with the following types of System Attribute (metadata) fields: Single item selection, Multi-items selection, Text field with quick text or Text area with quick text. The values of these lists can also be modified at any time.
- These lists of values will then be associated with the related System Attribute and used in Document Types. For example, you may create a System Attribute of type ‘Single Item selection’ named Packaging Line, that uses values from a Custom List that you have named Packaging_Lines and with the values: Pack Line 1, Pack Line 2, Pack Line 3. You can then include this System Attribute as part of a Document Type named Packaging Master Production Record, in order to record the Packaging Line as metadata for a particular document of that Document Type.
Modifying the values of a custom list will have the following impact:
◊ When a Custom List is modified to add a value, this value will be available for selection the next time something using this list is created or modified. For example, a new value added to the System_List_Training_Activity_Categories will be available in the Categories (Activities) field the next time a new Curriculum is created, and a new value added to the Packaging_Lines Custom List will be available in the Packaging Line Single item selection field the next time a document of a Document Type using that field is created or revised.
◊ When a Custom List is modified to remove a value, anything using that list that is already created and saved will keep that value, but anything created or revised that is using that list will not include that value. For example, an existing document having the Packaging Line System Attribute using the Custom List Packaging_Lines with the value Pack Line 2 selected will keep that metadata even if that value is removed from the Packaging_Line Custom List.
When a value has been removed from an existing Custom List, any Single item selection fields that may have used that value will reset to the default of ‘------' when any new items using that field are created since that value does not exist anymore. Another value will then need to be selected. When a value has been removed from an existing Custom List, any Multiple items selection fields that may have used that value will still show it as selected even if it does not exist in the Custom List anymore, unless it is removed with the ‘Remove’ option. At that point, it will no longer be available for selection.
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