In SOLABS QM10, some QM APP, such as CAPA, Change Control, Complaints (and others) use Secondary Tasks in order to assign specific activities required to support the main QM APP workflow (for example, validation activities to support a Change Control QM APP for a modification of equipment). These Secondary Tasks are available in pre-defined steps where they can be set up in advance and then remain in an ‘unreleased’ status (i.e. not delivered to the assignee) until a specific step of the QM APP.
When this specific step is reached and confirmed (Final Change Control Approval for example), then the Secondary Tasks will be ‘released’ to their assignees. The assignees will then receive email notifications and will see these tasks on their Home Page in the TASK Section.
Things to know:
Any user set with Act On privileges on a QM APP will be able to act on Secondary Tasks created as part of that QM APP. As mentioned, the released Tasks will be available to the assignee(s) in their Tasks Views.
Any user set with Act On privileges on a QM APP will also be able to view the Secondary Tasks in the Related Items section at the bottom of the QM APP View page, even if they are not yet released, along with their status. This is because privileges set to Act On on a QM APP are translated to Modify on the Secondary Tasks in order for a user acting on a QM APP to be able to create these Secondary Tasks (as part of the QM APP form).
From the Related Items section of the QM APP, a user can click on the View option (or the Act On option if they are the Task assignee) next to a Secondary Task. If they are the assignee they can actually complete the task, or someone can Modify the task, even if the step confirming the release of the Secondary Task is not yet reached.
Things to DO:
It is therefore important to educate/train users who may get Secondary Task assignments to WAIT until those tasks are released and present in their Home page/TASK section to ensure that the tasks are not completed before approval of the related QM APP step. Users should also NOT access the Secondary tasks through the Related Items section and Modify these tasks.
Users should be made aware that they should NEVER access their Secondary Tasks by going through the QM APP itself but through their Home Page lists of assigned items (or through their assigned items in the TASK section itself).
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