Document Migration and Assistance from SOLABS?
SOLABS uses automated engines and heavily supports migration activities by providing a URS, assistance with writing verification protocols and test scripts and performing a series of dry runs prior to uploading in the Validation, and subsequently Production environments.
Overall strategy on Data Migration?
In this QA show we touched on data migration and overall strategy.
Episode 29: Data Migration and Data Integrity with Philippe Gaudreau
SOLABS' recommendation on migrating training records?
Current records : Yes for sure!
Current Job Title Profiles or Training Matrices : YES
Historical training records : No.
Typical activities in a Migration Project?
As an example, these were the tasks involved in migrating Training Records and Job Title Profiles (training requirements per job title) into SOLABS QM. Highlighted in orange were the tasks performed by our client. In this specific example, the data was gathered in an Excel spreadsheet which was then read automatically by one of SOLABS’ bulk upload engines. A series of Dry-runs ensure the data is clean when loaded in the Validation environment.
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