Once a document is in a status of Retired, it cannot be brought back to a status of Approved & Effective.
However, users with the SOLABS Document Administrator role can access the Editable File Content of the retired document, and use it to create a new document - under a different document Name/Control Number - if needed.
SOLABS Document Administrators can access Retired documents through the Show All (including hidden, superseded and retired) view in the DOCUMENT Section.
Retired documents are listed for them in red.
The document metadata page will display a RETIRED watermark. In the Document File section, it is stated that the file can be accessed through the Audit Trail in the previous approved version.
Access the Audit Trail using the right-hand menu. Expand the Audit Trail for the last Effective version. SOLABS Document Administrators can open both the document file and the compare file. They also still have the options to Get Unmarked PDF and Get Editable File Format.
Related Video: https://docs.solabs.com/hc/en-us/articles/360042160454-SOLABS-QM10-Accessing-a-Retired-Document
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