To enable our clients to follow up with the open CREQs they might have, we send a weekly report, on Monday morning, called Weekly CREQ In Process. This report can be sent either in pdf or Excel format.
This report enables you to view which requests are opened and at which steps they are currently sitting within our CREQ process. It provides the following information:
- CREQ Number: CREQ number generated by our system
- Client Reference#: used to refer client change request number.
Criticality*: issue criticality level by SOLABS standard:
- Urgent: Data Integrity, Security Issue, Enabling, core services and Interfaces that become unstable, unreachable or unavailable.
Major: Global lost of important functionality causing operations interruption partial or total,
enhancement services that become unstable, unreachable or unavailable. - Moderate: Services are functional with or without a workaround, but a fix is required.
- None: Enhancement request, new feature, feature not working as intended but still functional, service issue not impacting clients.
- Date initiated: date that client sent issue to support.
- Summary: issue summary.
- Description: issue description.
- Category: CREQ category: either Core software or QM APPs.
- Type of request: Type of issue (Issue, Question, Upgrade, Other).
- Request status: current process status (Waiting Intervention Prep Completion and SICC Approval , investigation follow-up, waiting for release, etc.)
- Client: Name of client that submitted the issue.
- Completion Date: date the request was completed
If you want to follow up or escalate a request, please email us at
If an issue requires multiple steps to resolves, a weekly meeting can be setup with the client to ensure a tight follow-up of the defined set of activities.
* For up-to-date information about criticality and response time in relation to each criticality level please consult the latest version of the Support Service Level Agreement (SLA) document.
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