SOLABS QM10 offers several integrations with Microsoft Word.
Comments contained in an MS Word file will always be kept as his, even in the approved version (though they will not be displayed in the resulting PDF file once the document is approved). For more information on this, refer to the following article:
What happens to the comments in a Microsoft Office document when it is uploaded in QM10?
Track Changes:
It is possible to automatically enable "Track Changes" on a file that is sent for review. This is particularly useful when used along with the Collaborative Review feature. It is also possible to upload a file in SOLABS QM10 with track changes enabled, though it is important to note that all changes will be automatically accepted and Track Changes will be disabled once the document is sent for approval. For more information, refer to the following article:
Why Does Track Changes Gets Turned Off When The Document Is Sent For Approval?
Collaborative Review:
SOLABS also offers the possibility to integrate with SharePoint/Office 365 to allow collaborative editing of MS Word files. For more information on this, refer to the following article:
SOLABS QM10 DOCUMENT Section: Collaborative Review Feature with Office 365
Change Summary file:
When a new version of a document for which the attached file is an MS Word file is sent for review or approval, SOLABS QM10 will automatically generate a Change Summary file. This file will show the differences between the previous and the latest version as if the "track changes" feature was enabled in MS Word. For more information on this, refer to the following article:
You could also be interested in the following articles:
- Known Limitations and PDF Rendering in SOLABS QM10
- How do I Change the Text Displayed in the Browser Tab When Viewing PDF Documents From QM10?
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