10.9.1 introduces changes in the SRRS Standard Training Reports.
It is now possible to select the basis for the Training Compliance Calculation (%).
① Based on Job Title Profile
This was the default Compliance Calculation prior to 10.9.1 and calculates compliance against ALL Training Activities linked to the user's Job Title Profiles (Function Role assignments), whether or not they are actually assigned to the user.
Therefore, if there are possibly Training Activities linked to a Job Title Profile (Function Role) but either intentionally or unintentionally not assigned to the user, that user will never achieve 100% compliance due to the Training Activities at a status of Not Assigned.
② All Assigned Activities
This option will calculate compliance against only those training activities actually assigned to the user - whether directly or as part of their assigned Function Role(s).
It will filter out any Training Activities linked to a Function Role but either intentionally or unintentionally not assigned to the user.
③ Based on Job Title Profile and All Other Assigned Activities
This option combines the above two options. It will calculate compliance against the Training Activities linked to the user's Job Title Profiles (Function Roles), whether assigned or not, AND all other assigned training activities.
These three calculation options are available in the following reports:
- Department Training Compliance by User
- Employee Training Compliance
- Training Compliance by Department
- Training Compliance Department Status by User
- Training Compliance Distribution
- Training Compliance User Distribution by Range
For all of the above reports, the following options are also available now:
- It is possible to filter by Training Assignment (Training Assigned to): End User, Trainer, or Not Assigned.
- It is possible to Exclude Activities Not Due yet (due date in the future) from the calculation.
- Where it was previously possible to select only one Department for filtering, it is now possible to select Multiple Departments or No Department.
For the Employee Training Compliance Report:
- In addition to the options mentioned above, there is a new option to filter the activities based on the Due Date. It is now not only possible to exclude the activities not yet due, but also to Display Only Activities Overdue.
- It is also now possible to filter this report based on Document Type(s).
We hope you enjoy the NEW FEATURES related to the SSRS Training Reports that are available with Release 10.9.1.
For more information you can listen to our QMI Podcast, episode #48:
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