After creating Training Activities, you will need to assign them to End Users. That can be accomplished by linking those Training Activities to Function Roles or by assigning them directly to End Users. After assigning the Training Activities, you have the option to add Due Dates through the Schedule Users Activity menu option before updating the Training Activity from a status of Not Started to a status of Active. At that point, all assignees will receive an email Notification of the Training Assignment.
Linking Training Activities to Function Roles is a way to establish a group of required Training Activities for anyone who will be assigned that Function Role on their User Account. When a user is assigned that Function Role, they will then be required to complete all the Training Activities linked to that role. Users can be assigned multiple Function Roles so you can create groups of training not only for particular Job Titles but also for different training areas, departments, onboarding requirements, etc. The user's status against those required Training Activities can be found on the various Training Compliance Reports in the SharePoint Reports Portal.
Assigning Training Activities directly to users is usually done for training that is not considered mandatory or for Ad Hoc training needs. Completion of those Training Activities will show up on the Training History Report for those users but not on any Training Compliance Reports.
The video below covers how to link a Training Activity to Function Roles, how to assign End Users and how to add Due Dates for those assignments.
Removing a Training Assignment:
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