In SOLABS QM10, the Assign End Users option is used to assign training to users - whether it is training linked to their assigned Function Role(s) or assigned directly. This is accomplished from the menu option within the Training Activity itself or through the Assign End Users menu option in the Training Administration menus. Refer to the Knowledge Base article titled Assignment of Training Activities for that process.
So, how do you remove an assigned Training Activity?
If you are assigning required training that is linked to a Job Title (Function Role) removing the Function Role from the user will NOT remove any related Training Activity assignments that were not yet completed. It will just prevent future Training Activities, created by Recurrence settings, from being assigned.
Since assignments are made using the Assign End Users option, even when you are assigning Training Activities linked to Function Roles, those assignments are tied to the assigned user and will remain as active assignments until they are completed (or removed). To remove unwanted Training Activities from a user, take the following steps either from within the Training Activity itself or using the Training Administration menu. See below for these options.
1) From within the Training Activity
- Click on Assign End Users
- Scroll down to the Assigned box
- A Remove option is available for users who have NOT yet completed the Training Activity
2) From the Training Administration menus
- Click on the Assign by End User menu option
- Choose a user from the Available End Users drop-down list
- Scroll down to the Assigned box
- A Remove option is available for each Training Activity that the chosen user has NOT yet completed.
CAUTION: Be sure the assignments you are removing were either assigned directly to the user or were linked to the Function Role you are removing from that user. If you remove a Training Activity that is linked to a Function Role that will remain assigned to the user, their Training Compliance Reports will show a status of "Not Assigned" since it is still a requirement for an active Function Role assignment.
In Summary
No matter how you assign a Training Activity, the link between a user and a Training Activity is at the user level and not at the Job Title (Function Role) level. When removing Function Roles from a user, this will NOT remove assigned training activities for this user. Always check for any linked Training Activities that may not be complete and Remove them at the user level.
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